Latest News
GeoNova and the Nova Scotia Coordinate Referencing System team are pleased to announce the release of the new mobile version of the Coordinate Referencing Viewer.
Now available on the
Orthophotographs from the 2022 Aerial Photography are now available for a portion of Victoria & Inverness counties. Email geoinfo@novascotia.ca to purchase a digital or hardcopy print.
Browse our Mapping Products
We are working on a new online store for you. During the transition, you can still place orders for mapping products such as map books and atlases, aerial photography, and topographic maps. Please call 1-800-798-0706 (in Nova Scotia or PEI) or 1-902-667-7231 to place your order.
For a complete inventory of products and services available from Geographic Information Services, view our GIS Price List.